Chào mừng mọi người đến với series Cùng nhau học từ vựng Toeic 990 Kikutan.
Kikutan là phương pháp học qua nghe Audio, việc nghe sẽ giúp tăng khả năng ghi nhớ từ vựng tốt hơn.
Bước 1: Hãy nghe audio qua 1 lần và cố gắng note được nhiều từ vựng càng tốt
Bước 2: Nghe lần 2 với script nào!
Tiếng Nhật | Tiếng Anh | Câu ví dụ |
雄大さ | grandeur | I was overwhelmed by the grandeur of the Rocky Mountains.(私はロッキー山脈の雄大さに圧倒された) |
遺伝 | heredity | Heredity is the most common factor in hair loss.(遺伝は抜け毛の最も一般的な要因だ) |
訴訟 | litigation | The company agreed to the settlement to avoid litigation.(その会社は訴訟を避けるため和解に応じた) |
無数 | myriad | American consumers have a myriad of choices on almost everything.(アメリカの消費者はほとんどすべての物において無数の選択肢がある) |
嘆願 | plea | She made a tearful plea for help.(彼女は涙ながらに助けを訴えた) |
誓約 | pledge | The government made a pledge not to raise consumption tax next year.(政府は消費税を来年引き上げないことを約束した) |
助言 | pointer | He gave me some pointers on how to write a term paper.(彼は期末リポートの書き方について私にいくつか助言してくれた) |
家禽 | poultry | Poultry farmers are faced with increasing energy and feed costs.(養鶏業者はエネルギー代と飼料代の高騰に直面している) |
試用期間 | probation | You will be on probation for three months before being considered a regular employee.(正社員と見なされる前に、あなたは3カ月の試用期間に就くことになる) |
案内書 | prospectus | Please read the prospectus carefully before you invest.(投資をする前に案内書を丁寧にお読みください) 投資パンフレットなどの表現 |
評論家 | pundit | He is one of the most influential political pundits.(彼は最も影響力のある政治評論家の1人だ) |
ゴムボート | raft | They are going down the river on a raft.(彼らはゴムボートに乗って川を下っている |
政権 | regime | Saddam Hussein’s regime was overthrown by US forces.(サダム・フセイン政権はアメリカ軍によって倒された) |
貯水池 | reservoir | The reservoir is nearly dry due to the drought.(その貯水池は干ばつのためほとんど干上がっている) |
残骸 | rubble | Rescue workers searched the rubble for survivors.(レスキュー隊員たちはがれきの中を生存者がいないか探した) |
飽和 | saturation | The mobile phone market has almost reached saturation.(携帯電話市場は飽和状態にほぼ達している) |
Bước 3: Cuối cùng cùng ôn tập những từ vựng đã học
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